Grandparent’s Day

As part of our Catholic Week celebrations, we invited all grandparents to come in to school for a few hours  on Wednesday 30th of January.We welcomed lots of grandparents. Our students were very excited and had been busy preparing themselves for this special occasion.

Some students recited poetry, did some Irish dancing, sang English and Irish songs, played musical instruments and had prepared questions to ask the grandparents. The Grandparents were lucky to  have the opportunity to see the work that had been going on in school and see and hear some of their grandchildren perform for them.

The Grandparents were very willing to share their experiences from when they were young and tell lots of stories so we could compare what it was like to be at school years ago and how it is different now. We learned lots of information from them. Some things have stayed the same and lots have things have changed so much.

We would like to thank  the grandparents who came along and joined in our special celebration. We couldn’t have done it without them and to those who brought flowers, and for their compliments on our classrooms. Also, thanks to all the parents, grandparents and students who were busy baking lovely treats for everyone, and to thank Fr. John who led us in a prayer service.

It was a wonderful occasion for the school community and a lovely opportunity to acknowledge the unique bond between the grandparents and our students. Hearing their stories was a wonderful learning opportunity for all the students and it was a chance for the grandparents to help pass on the faith our school community  as well as share their valuable knowledge with us.


New Year 2019

Welcome back to school for 2019. I hope all students and families had a lovely time over Christmas and are ready for lots of new learning opportunities this year. Hope it is a successful year for  everyone in our School Community.

Gingerbread Creations

Thanks to Mary and all her helpers for baking some tasty treats for everyone. All the students were involved in baking the gingerbread men, cookies and the wonderful gingerbread house and poly tunnel! They enjoyed their baking and it all disappeared!

Christmas Art and Crafts

We’ve been very busy with arts and crafts for the month of December. The school looked great with all the decorations and everyone enjoyed being extra creative! I hope all the nice crafts look great at home now!

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Students and families were extremely generous gifting beautifully filled shoe-boxes for children less fortunate than themselves. Everyone made such a great effort and the children who receive the boxes will no doubt get great joy from them. Thanks to everyone who supported this appeal. Your support is really appreciated.

Maths Week using our Maths eyes

Maths week meant we were out and about around the school using our maths eyes to find maths in everything around us!  We found maths language and problems in lots of everyday things! We were measuring angles on the clock, finding shapes on the random items, adding dates on the school plaque, examining lines on the doors, counting animals on the pictures in the garden, measuring the length yard, estimating the distance from one area to another, doing surveys, building towers, designing costumes… and the list goes on! Students did outdoor maths trails and had great fun!

Tasty Apple Pie

Students from the Junior room, helped by Ms Reddington and Mary made some delicious Apple Pie. Everyone worked together as a group and created a delicious treat. Students learned about the ingredients and the method to create the tasty dessert. All the students tried the apple pie afterwards and enjoyed it. They even shared some with the other teachers!

MS Readathon

During the Months of October and November, our students took part in the MS Readathon. We read lots of books and raised awareness and money for people with MS. Everyone enjoyed extra reading time at school and home. Well done to those who raised money using thier sponsorship cards. Thank you to everyone who donated to this good cause!

Halloween fun in Threen NS

We had a great time building up to Halloween Celebrations. We did lots of Halloween Art and everyone dressed up in their costumes on the day of the holidays. Students from the Senior Room had a visit from Olive Mooney, an author who read a couple of chapters from her first book, an interesting ghost story! We played some traditional Halloween Games, and also got to guess and feel some of the body parts of a witch!!